Alejandro Vázquez
Graduated in mechanical engineering in 2014 from the University of La Coruña (UDC), and master's degree in industrial engineering in 2016 also from the UDC. Next, he worked in the UDC Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for a year, hired under a research project funded by Tecnalia Research & Innovation, a research center of which he would become a part from 2017. His work at Tecnalia It consisted of collaborating in the direction and development of European and national projects, mainly related to the automotive industry. In 2018 he became part of Capgemini Engineering (formerly Altran), working from this engineering for CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) in the management of railway projects worldwide, aiming at the correct development from start to finish. , both from a technical point of view and deadlines. His career focuses on the development and management of industrial projects, focusing his training on entrepreneurship and the creation of business models for technological projects, having participated in programs such as Addventure (UDC), or UPM2T, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM ). Within business activity, in 2022 he started an entrepreneurial project, FIGA CrossFit.
Florian Michaud
Florian Michaud graduated in Engineering (Mechanics and Ergonomics) from the University of Belfort-Montbeliard (France) in April 2014. He completed his final degree project at the French company Onefit Medical, where he focused on the design of instrumentation for surgery orthopedic. In June 2014, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of the University of La Coruña to work in the field of biomechanics of human movement. He received a doctoral scholarship from the Government of Spain to carry out his doctoral thesis. In 2018, he completed a five-month predoctoral stay at Rice University in Houston, United States. In January 2020, he obtained his doctorate and his work was awarded Best Doctoral Thesis by the UDC-HM Chair of Sports Traumatology. Since July 2022, he has been awarded a four-year fellowship to carry out his own research related to knee modeling for total knee arthroplasty, in collaboration with the French company Pixee Medical.

Urbano Lugrís
He obtained the title of Industrial Engineer, specializing in Construction, in March 2003 from the University of La Coruña. Next, he worked as an inspector in the mechanical department of the consulting company Norcontrol S.A., dedicated to technical assistance and quality control in wind farms, as well as quality control in metal structure works. In May 2004 he began his doctoral thesis at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory after being awarded a research training scholarship, obtaining his doctorate degree in November 2008 with a thesis on real-time formulations in the dynamics of multibody systems with flexible elements. , having completed stays at the University of Seville in 2005, and at the University of Stuttgart in 2006. In January 2011 he obtained the position of Associate Professor and, since September 2020, he has been a Full Professor. His work focuses on the biomechanics of human movement.
Javier Cuadrado
Professor of mechanical engineering at the University of La Coruña, and founder in 2002 of the research group “Mechanical Engineering Laboratory”, specialized in the dynamics of multibody systems and its applications, in 2007 he began the research line of the biomechanics laboratory of the human movement, having carried out research projects, published numerous articles in international journals, and directed several doctoral theses in this line.