
Services are provided that require the capture and analysis of human movement in general or of human gait in particular. Gait may be conventional or with assistive devices (crutches, canes, walkers, orthoses, exoskeletons). Capture and analysis can be performed in real time if needed, for example, when providing biofeedback to the user or supervisor. Services are also provided that require the capture and analysis of animal movement.
Below are some examples that help understand the potentialities of the company:

Gait analysis

Gait analysis laboratory.

Motion analysis

Motion capture with biofeedback.

Animal gait analysis

Gait analysis laboratory for animals.


Our services are tailored. We adapt to your needs and resources.


Our team is made up of researchers with extensive experience in capturing and analyzing human movement.


Our technological resources allow us to capture movement both in our laboratory and outside of it, thanks to a portable system.
